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Gastroenterology is the investigation and treatment of conditions affecting the stomach, such as acid reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, colitis, liver diseases, and pancreatic disorders.
Various tests are carried out to diagnose and treat conditions, such as an endoscopy. You can read more here about endoscopy: https://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/endoscopy/
Patients can also be referred to nutrition services for more help.
We run gastroenterology services, both inpatient and outpatient, at City Hospital and Sandwell Hospitals and endoscopy units also at both sites.
Gastroenterologists use a different ways to diagnose conditions affecting the stomach. These may include tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans. This will help to identify any problems or diseases.
We provide consultations to patients, discussing their symptoms, medical history, and concerns.
We runs clinics for coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, with access to hypnotherapy, liver disease (we have close links to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Liver Unit), viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C) and oesophageal disorders, with a special interest in Barrett’s.
We work with several teams when diagnosing patients with gastrointestinal cancer.
The gastroenterology team works closely with the upper GI surgeons and liver specialists at the Trust and at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham to care for patients with pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancer. We provide a number of services for patients with gastrointestinal cancer, including insertion of stents in the oesophagus, stomach/duodenum, biliary tract and colon. The gastroenterologists work closely with the cancer team, which reviews patients in clinics at both City and Sandwell Hospitals. Where possible, patients will receive chemotherapy at our hospitals, but they may also receive other types of treatment at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.
GI Physiology Department
This service operates with Gastroenterology and performs a range of tests covering the gastrointestinal system including: High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry, ambulatory pH with Impedance studies, wireless pH monitoring and breath testing for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance.
Anorectal disorders
We also provide treatments for functional bowel and pelvic floor disorders such as faecal (poo) incontinence. We use a range of tests to diagnose these conditions. Treatments include, Pelvic floor exercises and medication amongst others.
Our Nutrition teams work on both sites providing a full range of support education and dietary advice.
Management of obesity is via dietetics departments in primary care.
Patient Information
- Abdominal Drain Procedure (Paracentesis) (ML6473)
- Abdominal perineal resection (APR) ML6103
- Having a fibroscan
- Anterior resection ML6121
- Hartmans procedure ML7101
- Hydrogen and Methane Breath Test GI physiology ML7444
- Sigmoid Colectomy ML6089
- Left Hemicolectomy ML6097
- Right Hemicolectomy ML6095
- Enhanced Recovery After Colorectal Surgery (ERAS) ML5928
- Having a gastropexy feeding tube
- 96 Hour Wireless pH Study
- Having a PEG feeding tube
- Liver Biopsy
- Managing your diabetes when taking laxative bowel preparation ML6997
- Preparing for a gastroscopy when you have diabetes
- Advice following a gastroscopy with sedation
- Hydrogen Breath Tests (early morning appointment)
- Hydrogen Breath test (mid-morning appointment)
- High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry and 24 hour pH Impedance Monitoring ML6156
- Having EBUS-TBNA ML5979PLENVU Laxative instructions – morning appointment ML7308
- High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry and 24 hour pH_Impedance Monitoring ML6156
- High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry ML7495
GI Physiology
Useful websites
General gastroenterology
British Society of Gastroenterology
Irritable bowel syndrome
The Gut Trust
Liver diseases
British Liver Trust
Department of Health – hepatitis C
- Elective Access (please ring with queries about your outpatient appointment (new or follow-up): 0121 507 4151
Gastroenterology Secretaries:
- Medical Secretary to Dr Fogden, Dr Anderson and Dr Hussain, Heidi Johnson-Gazzard: 0121 507 6134
- Medical Secretary to Dr Eliaudo, Dr Osman, Dr Naseer: 0121 507 4590
- Medical Secretary to Dr Ahsan Malik, Dr Vandana Sagar, Dr Fumi Varyani and Dr Karim: 0121 507 2638
- Medical Secretary to Dr Cobb, Dr Leet and Dr Ali: 0121 507 3841
- Medical Secretary to Professor Trudgill and Dr Mohammed: 0121 507 2577
- Medical Secretary to Dr Ghanghro, Dr Singhal and Clare Smith: 0121 507 2779
- Heather Hart: 0121 507 5081
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