We want to deliver better care to our patients. This means being seen in a timely and convenient way, feeling respected and listened to, and achieving the best clinical outcome possible for the best value.
Over the next five years, we want to take our focus back to basics and get the fundamentals of care right for every patient. We are commencing a new care improvement programme across the Trust.
The Fundamentals of Care programme will bring together our doctors, nurses and allied health professionals and our operational leaders in a joint improvement programme for the first time. Fundamentals of Care is a Trust-wide initiative; it will empower our five clinical groups to work on what issues matter most to their patients and staff, supported by our corporate group.
The Fundamentals of Care Programme has six components:
- Quality and safety including quality assurance and improvement across safe, caring, effective and responsive domains.
- Shared patient involvement and insight, which develops person and population focused care including advocacy, co-production and experience.
- Shared leadership and governance to develop and embed inclusive leadership at all levels, including the creation of shared decision making committees.
- Safe and skilled workforce looks at recruitment, retention and resilience to ensure we have appropriate staff with the right skills to care for our patients.
- Education, development and growth will create a ‘university on the floor’ with development pathways for all professions through the Fundamentals of Care Academy.
- Compassionate community develops recovery and restoration in our workforce including wellbeing, teamwork, belonging and meaning.