Safeguarding Adults

A vulnerable adult is considered to be a person who is:

  • An adult (aged 18 or over)
  • And who is or may be in need of community care services because of frailty, learning or physical disability, sensory impairment or mental health difficulty
  • And who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself or take steps to protect him or herself from significant harm or exploitation.

We have a statutory obligation to uphold the rights of the vulnerable adults to protect from harm and exploitation. All patients using the services provided by the Trust have a right to:

  • Privacy
  • Independence
  • Safe and effective clinical care
  • Protection and safety

To ensure the rights of vulnerable adults to privacy and dignity, independence, choice and fulfilment are respected, upheld and promoted by all staff, we take steps to:

  • Ensure the voice of the vulnerable adult is heard and acted upon by actively promoting public and patient participation in operational/strategic management.
  • Provide a culture and environment that protects, supports and assists all patients, within the Trust, that are or could be vulnerable.
  • Ensure that robust guidance for reporting and investigating incidents of negligence or abuse are available to all staff.
  • Establish a mechanism for registering and monitoring vulnerable adult incidents within the Trust
  • Ensure adequate training and support is available to all staff, promoting awareness of vulnerable adults in all clinical areas.
  • Ensure that where allegations of inappropriate conduct by staff are made that these are dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner, respecting their rights as employees.