Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust (SWBH) is going to throw the doors open to talented nurses on its open day tomorrow on 15th April 2015
It’s an opportunity for nurses who would like to work in Medicine and Emergency Care, to learn more about the environment and the teams at the Trust. A number of clinical teams will be there to showcase their services by providing short presentations and speak to the candidates about career development opportunities.
Candidates will have to undertake a numeracy and literacy test followed by an interview and CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checks.
Jo Wakeman, group director of nursing for Medicine and Emergency Care, said: “We are a friendly and dynamic trust that demands high quality care for our patients. We offer a variety of experiences to band 5 nurses that will enable them to build a repertoire of knowledge and skills, providing a strong platform for career progression.
“We hope that by organising this event, our prospective employees will have the chance to know more about the work that we are doing as well as the opportunities that the Trust can offer them.”
The Open Day will start from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Miller Restaurant, City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham.
If you wish to know more information about this event, please do not hesitate to call our Switch board number 0121 554 3801 and ask for Matron Debi Fretwell or Matron Carmel Madden.
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