Members of the public are invited to find out more about Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust by attending a virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Richard Samuda, chairman of the organisation, will welcome patients, visitors and staff to the meeting on Thursday 2 July.
He will be joined by his fellow Trust Board members as they host a ‘Question Time’ session that can be viewed by members of the public via the video conferencing app WeBex, with questions submitted in advance.
The event will include a presentation by Dr Simon Mitchell and Dr James Gwilt, who are GPs in the leadership team of Your Health Partnership (YHP) Primary Care Network which has recently integrated with the trust to form a new directorate. They will be talking about how primary care is changing and the opportunities presented by their integration into a single organisation.
Mr Samuda said: “This will be a very different AGM because of the current situation around COVID-19, however we want to make sure that our local communities have an opportunity to hear about the work of the Trust and put their questions to our board members. Questions can be sent in prior to our AGM, that will be answered during the meeting, which can be viewed from the comfort of people’s own homes.”
Electronic copies of the Annual Report, Quality Account and Charity Annual Report will be available on the trust’s website.
The meeting will take place between 5-6.30pm on Thursday 2 July.
There may be an opportunity for a limited number of people to join the meeting in person at the venue whilst still maintaining strict social distancing guidelines.
The meeting will be held virtually via WebEx. You can join by following the link below at the appointed time and date using the password.
- https://swbhnhsevents.webex.com/swbhnhsevents/onstage/g.php?MTID=ef160825c00e2d57a16a1c1d05f218498
- Password to join the meeting is SWBAGM2020
Questions can also be submitted in advance to swbh.invitation-response@nhs.net with “AGM Questions” in the subject header. Trust Board members will respond during the Q&A session.
If people are interested in attending the meeting in person, they must register in advance by emailing swbh.invitation-response@nhs.net.
Click the following links to read the Annual Report 2019-20 and the Quality Accounts 2019-20.
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