Visitors to City Hospital in Birmingham will have the chance to play a life size version of Operation™ for this year’s Organ Donation Week.
NHS Blood and Transplant and the board game company Hasbro have created ‘Operation Donation’ which challenges people to have a go at removing organs from ‘Cavity Sam’ and match them up with some facts and figures about organ donation. Like the popular game, players have two minutes to complete the task, but if they make a mistake they set off a buzzer and have to start again.
The game is touring the country as part of this year’s Organ Donation Week, which runs from September 3 to 9 with the theme ‘Words Save Lives.’ It will be at City Hospital on Friday, September 7, in the Birmingham Treatment Centre.
Judith Martin, Specialist Nurse Organ Donation, said: “It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about organ donation and this is what we’d like people to do with their families for Organ Donation Week – just have a chat.
“If you are unsure about donation, please ask yourselves as a family; what would you do if one of you needed a transplant? Would you accept a life-saving organ? If you’d take an organ, shouldn’t you be prepared to donate?”
People are dying every day because some families are not talking about donation. Nationally, three people die a day in need of an organ.
NHS Blood and Transplant surveys show that the majority of people support organ donation, but only around a third of people have discussed their donation decision with their family or partner.
Anthony Clarkson, Interim Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “We thank Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust for its support ahead of Organ Donation Week.
“Words save lives and we need people in the Sandwell and west Birmingham area to tell their families they want to donate. Knowing what you want wanted could help your family at a difficult time.”
- Millions of people are already on the NHS Organ Donor Register, join them today and tell your family you want to save lives. Register at organdonation.nhs.uk
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