Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust is delighted with news that the Department of Health has awarded a £300,000 grant to help improve homeless health services in the region.
The money will fund a six month pilot managed by homeless charity – Trident Reach, who led a joint bid with partners SWBH NHS Trust, Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust and University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation NHS Trust. The bid was endorsed by Birmingham City Council.
Amy Hewett, Head of Homeless Services at Trident Reach explained: “Last year in Birmingham there were 6654 homeless applications made to the Local Authority,
“There are currently 42,682 people on the housing register across the Sandwell, Birmingham and Solihull area.
“What the pilot will do is to ensure we are alerted when a homeless person is admitted to hospital, so we can start work on trying to secure a place for them to go on discharge.
“Our health partners are very passionate about improving services for this group of disadvantaged people, and it will make a real change to the individuals concerned.”
Toby Lewis, Chief Executive of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust added: “The pilot will see us working together with GPs to provide a joined up service, that will significantly improve the aftercare that these patients receive.
“Working as partners with colleagues in the voluntary sector is, I believe the way forward if we hope to provide the excellent healthcare that all our patients deserve.
“We believe that we know this works, and we want to ensure that our winter plan takes care of all our patients, including the people that live on the streets.
“Our mission is high quality care for all: Short waits are just one part of that.”
The pilot will commence on 1st October 2013 and run for six months.
Issued by Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Communications Team, 0121 507 5303.
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