A digital healthcare system developed by Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals (SWBH) NHS Trust, which improves the management of hospital in-patients living with type 2 diabetes has won the ‘Best In-Patient Care Initiative’, award by the Quality in Care (QiC) Programme.
Driven by the national ‘Think Glucose’ project to improve care for patients admitted into hospital with non-diabetes related problems, SWBH NHS Trust developed an additional programme on the Trust electronic patient management system to include a Think Glucose assessment.
The initiative helps all clinical staff to ensure that the Think Glucose assessment is carried out on all diabetes patients after admission, confirming that patient care is benchmarked in real time against the national Think Glucose criteria. It aims to help reduce risks, promote good practice and improve patient lives.
Dr Peter Davies diabetes consultant said, “The diabetes team is delighted to receive this prestigious national award for our work improving the safety of inpatient diabetes care. The architect behind the work is Dr Bob Ryder and his back-office team is Bobby Ryder and Melissa Cull.
“Special thanks to Dave Kiffin and Alison Whitehall in the EPR team, thanks to them we can use the information within the electronic patient record to quickly provide diabetes care decision support. This allows clinicians to deliver the best care to our patients. SWBH NHS Trust aspires to deliver the best care anywhere and this shows we can deliver.
“Our future plans are to link clinical assessments to local guidelines and to reduce medication and insulin errors. This will reduce variation in care and further improving patient safety.”
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